Battles Intensifying in 5 Townships on Day 3 of 1027 Operation-Part (2) ၊ Summary

News / Politics
28 June 2024

Battles Intensifying in 5 Townships on Day 3 of 1027 Operation-Part (2) ၊ Summary

27th June, Ta'ang Land News

1027 Operation 

(1) TNLA launched an attack on the military council’s LaPaKha, KhaLaYa-148 camps under KhaLaYa-88 that stationed at Aye Say Ti in its Brigade (2) area, Moe Gok Township, Ta’ang Land, at 8.30 am on 27th June. In addition, TNLA also attacked and occupied the township police station.

(2) At 5.40 am, the intense battle erupted between TNLA+MDY-PDF and the military council's camps SaKaKha-1, KhaMaYa-501/502 at the city municipal, monasteries and Naung Pyit Village in Kyaukme. 

(3) TNLA launched an offensive on the military council camp KhaMaYa-114 in Naung Cho Township at 6.06 am. At 10.00 am, TNLA also attacked and captured the camp stationed in Ommakha Village. When Naung Cho's police station was seized, a large number of  narcotics (WY) were captured.

(4) The military council launched air strikes with Y-12 at 11.14 am and with jet fighter at 11.30 am on its camp No.114 which TNLA attacked and the battle took place in Naung Cho Township. At the same time, TNLA and its ally MDY-PDF attacked Battalion No.606 at 11.00 am. Then, the fascist military council bombed (5) times with Y-12 and (18) times with jet fighter.

(5) TNLA attacked the military council around Lae Gyi Village, Kyaukme Township at 12.40 pm.

The day before, (17) military council members defected to TNLA in Kyaukme Township. TNLA also seized 2 (60) mm weapons, 6 machine guns, 2 RPG-7s, 1 sniper, 5 pistols, 5 land mines, (60) mm bullets, RPG bullets, other military gear, in total 59 types of weapons, and a large amount of ammunition.


News and Information Department 

Topics: Battles Intensifying in 5 Townships on Day 3 of 1027 Operation-Part (2) ၊ Summary
Tags: PSLF, TNLA Ta'ang Politics Ta'ang State, Ta'ang Land Three brotherhoods, Ta'ang Government

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