
In Ta'ang Land's Military Brigade (2) area, the Military Council’s Light Infantry Battalion (LIB)-114 in Naungcho and Aung Thar Yar Camp in Mogok were captured, along with weapons and ammunition.


Battles erupted between TNLA and the military council’s Operations Control Command-1, Light Infantry Battalion-114 Camp around Gok Dwin, Kyaukme Township, Ta’ang Land in TNLA’s Brigade (2) area on 28th June at 4.14 pm.


The day before, (17) military council members defected to TNLA in Kyaukme Township. TNLA also seized 2 (60) mm weapons, 6 machine guns, 2 RPG-7s, 1 sniper, 5 pistols, 5 land mines, (60) mm bullets, RPG bullets, other military gear, in total 59 types of weapons, and a large amount of ammunition.