Statement from the Three Brotherhood Alliance on the SAC’s Terrorist Acts of Aerial Bombing Innocent Civilians from the Areas where There Are No Ongoing Armed Clashes

08 August 2024

Statement from the Three Brotherhood Alliance on the SAC’s Terrorist Acts of Aerial Bombing Innocent Civilians from the Areas where There Are No Ongoing Armed Clashes

August 6, 2024

  The Military Council (SAC) and our Three Brotherhood Alliance have been engaged in intense battles. In these conflicts, the losing junta has committed severe war crimes by bombing civilians in towns and villages outside the conflict zones using airstrikes. Our Three Brotherhood Alliance strongly condemn these brutal acts.

  The Junta targets markets, schools, hospitals, religious buildings, bridges, towns, and villages under our controlled areas such as Lolkai, Thanni, Kutkai, Namhsan and Mrauk-U with airstrikes. The aim is to destroy these civilian areas, with ongoing attacks focused on them.

  Due to such bombings with 500-pound bombs and other powerful explosives, markets, schools, hospitals, and numerous homes of civilians have been destroyed. Many innocent civilians have been injured or killed daily. As a result of the “1027 Operation,” SAC’s troops have been entirely cleared from the areas under our control. We urge the civilian populations from all ethnicities in these areas to follow our guidance and stay safe from junta airstrikes.

  SAC is involved in bombing civilian infrastructure such as markets, schools, and hospitals in towns and villages where there are no ongoing armed clashes. We urge the international community, especially the People’s Republic of China, with our great trust and reliance to collectively stop and prevent the war crimes committed by the Junta which are killing the civilians of all ethnicities.

Three Brotherhood Alliance

DISCLAIMER: The English version of this statement serves as a translation of the original Burmese text for informational purposes only. In case of any discrepancies, the Burmese original shall prevail.

Topics: Statement from the Three Brotherhood Alliance on the SAC’s Terrorist Acts of Aerial Bombing Innocent Civilians from the Areas where There Are No Ongoing Armed Clashes
Tags: PSLF, TNLA Ta'ang Politics Ta'ang State, Ta'ang Land Three brotherhoods, PSLF/TNLA Statement

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